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Writer's pictureCharles Odimgbe


The Slap

Have you heard the news about this slap that is still reverberating throughout the world? The slap that nearly crashed social media and derailed Soludo’s swearing-in ceremony. So, Bianca Ojukwu and Mrs. Obiano have been having some disagreements for some time now, and those disagreement came to a head during the inauguration and swearing-in of Charles Soludo as the new Governor of Anambra state. What an embarrassment for these two ladies and womanhood in general. To think that the wife of a governor could not control her impulses, albeit in a public forum to challenge another female regarding something so irrelevant as political talk. I heard that this same lady Mrs. Obiano is considering running for a seat in the Senate and I will not be surprised that we will elect her regardless. You know how stupid we are! To think that someone whose husband was the last Governor of the state, will have so much disregard for her husband, the position, and dignitaries gathered at this event, tells you a lot about her pedigree and how she truly feels about Anambra state citizens.

On the other hand, consider a former Ambassador, who has represented Nigeria overseas for years, would stoop so low as to respond to such a crass show of vanity and disrespect does not bode well for Bianca Ojukwu either. She should have ignored the buffoon knowing her antecedents and allowed her to make a fool of herself in public – but what do I know! I am just a poor guy who does not understand how decorum works among the elite. Again, for people who have been in politics for so long but fails to understand the game of politics is a testament and an affirmation that we do not have enough sane people in our pool of available leaders in Nigeria.

What is most shameful is our careless and callous attitude toward this interaction. For the most part, we all are taking it as a joke – however, we forget that the joke is really on us! This slap that is still reverberating around the world represents how people will judge us regardless of whether we are part of the elite of not. Yes, I laughed at the jokes – and boy were they some hilarious jokes out there, however, at some point we must come to realize that it is time to rethink the way we play politics. We must find a way to pivot to what will be helpful in dealing with the multiplicity of challenges facing our nation and states and not indulge these demi-gods with their bloated egos. The fact that that we are not even a bit surprised by what transpired on this special and very important day is another testament to our own sanity.

Obiano and EFCC

Have you heard the news that sooner did Obiano wife embarrassed him in before the whole world, his problems are now compounded by his arrest by EFCC at the Lagos Murtala Mohammed International airport on his way out of the country? What a mess! Can someone tell me which Governor of any one of the Igbo states who is not in hot water with EFCC upon leaving office for one crime or the other? Is this a curse of the Igbos? I know some people will cry foul and blame the Hausa/Fulani for whatever allegations levelled on Obiano, however, why is it that our leaders can never conduct themselves in manner that will not allow them to be so humiliated once out of office. Just like the rest, he should have planned to transition to the Senate, as the other governors and continue to enjoy immunity. What a shame for the Obiano family having dealt with his wife embarrassing herself in a public forum and now him in EFCC custody. Like I have always said, Nigeria is a story that keeps on giving!

Abba Kyari – from Top Cop to Top Inmate

Have you heard the news of Abba Kyari our top cop who is now our top inmate? I have been following this case from a distance and cannot believe how brazen some people can be. This suspended Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) knew he was under scrutiny for the Abbas (Hushpuppy) investigation and is facing a subpoena in the United States of America for money laundering. However, he was still brazening enough to continue in his criminal ways. This is despite his suspension from the force by the police department. By the way, why is he still suspended? Do the police force not think it is time to fire this top cop given all the allegations against him? Or maybe they believe that somehow, he could be exonerated of all these allegations? It goes without saying that we as Nigerians never learn from experiences. Here we have, a person entrusted with Nigerian security, and now is charged with breaking the same laws he was appointed to uphold. The truth of the matter is that we lack guts! The police force cannot muster enough kahunas to terminate his employment. Even after a video of this disgraced police office committing a crime, our hapless police leaders still maintain that this member of their fraternity is only suspended and not discharged.

By-the-way, why it is so easy for people to steal money in Nigeria? Are we that naïve and clueless that we cannot put guardrails to protect government funds? Or is this a deliberate set up tolerated by you and I hoping to have the same access when it is our turn? I am beginning to think that the latter is the case. That we all are culpable in setting up this process that will allow us to access these funds when we, a friend or relative gets to the seat of government. The boldness that some of these elected officials display in pillaging government monies defies imagination, meaning sometimes the amounts of monies involved in these embezzlements are often larger than some of the government department budget? This is a sad commentary for a country that claims access to some of the brightest minds in the world.

Now, this top cop turned top inmate, who have tortured inmates to get confessions, is now refusing to cooperate with the police. Not one to advocate for torture, but how I wished the authorities will apply the same tactics he used on detained individuals in his care to get the information they needed from him. Wouldn’t that be the irony of the day?

So, his wife fainted during his arraignment and some people were empathizing with her. Regardless, I have absolutely no sympathy for such people. While your husband is committing crime and bringing money for a life you know full well you cannot afford, it never downed on you to ask questions? Such people should be ready to deal with the consequences whenever the law catches up with them. It is time we stop babysitting these politicians and their fainting spells. If you want access to good quality medical attention, then do not get yourself in a situation where you will be incarcerated. If you are incarcerated, expect to be treated like a person in jail.

Anambra Citizens Got What They Deserved

Anambra citizens got what they wanted and deserved in electing Soludo as their state governor. Even though some selfish elements, not wanting to be upstaged stole his inaugural show, but at least we know that based on comments, trust and the optimism following his election, the people of Anambra believe they have a redeemer and seem also to be happy with their choice. However, anyone in government or has worked in a true government setting knows that unless we hold leaders accountable, we are bound to be suckers again and again. In our unique Igbo ways, we Governor Soludo has been nicknamed Mr. Solution! But let me warn Anambra people, calling him Mr. Solution does not absolve you and I of our responsibility to hold him accountable. We must shine our eyes and watch every move that him and his cabinet makes not that we don’t trust him, but we just want to verify his action. My thing is that if you truly love Governor Soludo, then your best bet would be to hold him accountable for his campaign promises. Remember, it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. So, as we rejoice in the choice that the good Lord has given us, let us make sure that he does not disappoint by walking away and thinking everything is alright!

PDP Primaries and Campaign Forms

Have you heard that the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has opened opportunities for their members wishing to contest for political positions to come pick up the party election forms? Making these forms available is not my worry, but what troubles me is the cost of these forms. To run for president, a potential candidate must hand over 40 million naira to be allowed to contest in the primaries. Please could someone tell me how many qualified individuals can afford to pay a political party 40 million naira for just an opportunity to contest election? Even if I win, does the presidency pay enough to repay that expenditure? What is happening here is that we have inadvertently or purposefully set ourselves up to fail. If I have 40 million naira to spare, there are plenty things I can do with that kind of money that could earn me more money. Why would I use it to purchase a form that does not guarantee my winning an election? What this does is to create a scenario whereby potential candidates to an election will have to sell their souls the bidder or bidders to grab a nomination form. Then if he wins, will repay his shareholders. Was that the intent of the electoral regulations? No wonder we have been unable to achieve much despite having all the resources we need to excel. So, when we talk about cabals, these are not faceless men and women, but real people who invested in our elected officials to win elections. And now they want to collect.

Another matter is that PDP has negated the call for zoning the presidential ticket to a person of Southeast extraction. Having said that, one may assume that the reason they opened it up to all will be to enable the party to make as much money as they could from prospective candidates, knowing fully well that is one-way Nigerian political parties generates revenue. I am hoping that the PDP leadership is not naïve enough to think that the Igbos will stand by the wayside and watch them manipulate this primary election by zoning of the presidential flagbearer to someone who is not from the Southeast. The Igbo are poised and will show their mettle if denied access to Aso Rock come 2023.

The Nigerian Governors Coup

Have you heard the news that all current sitting governors met and decided among themselves that the next president must be from their ranks? Are you all listening? This is nothing but a coup de tat!!! We cannot allow these money grabbers with their over bloated egos pigeonhole us into electing one of them to run this country. This proclamation shows how disdainful our elected officials feel about the electorate. By their actions, these governors believe in their little heads and minds that they own Nigeria and that they alone have right to the corridors of government. I have said it before and will say it again, we must make drastic and dramatic change to the way we elect our leaders if we want to see any improvement in Nigerian. We must somehow, show that we have learned from our previous mistakes. We must show that, whereas, these elected officials may fool us sometimes, but they cannot fool us all the time. We need a fresh new start, with new faces and new ideologies. We need someone who can effectively change the dynamics of governance in Nigeria from what it is today to making sure all Nigerians are collectively responsible for our own successes. As a seasoned adult, I have looked at the crop of all the current elected officials, and none of them, I repeat, none of them has what it will take to change our trajectory and bring about a new direction for Nigeria!

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