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Writer's pictureCharles Odimgbe

What Am I Thinking

I am thinking that Nigerian is broken beyond repair! Since the last presidential election and all the failed challenges by the opposition political parties, everything about Nigeria is spiraling to the bottom. The Naira is in a free fall against foreign currencies. Today, Nigerians have endured untold hardship ranging from runaway price increases, subsidy removal, kidnappings, sit-at-home orders by some diaspora elements hell bent of destroying the lives of Igbos. In fact, anything that is bad, ugly and nasty is the new norm in this so-called Giant of Africa!

Since our independence in 1960, Nigerians have been regressing economically, politically and even mentally. In spite of our achievements in education, technology and science all over the world, we have failed in our most basic responsibility, which is to fix our own country. For Nigerians, charity does not begin at home, it begins in the diaspora! Since relieving ourselves of British control, we have proven that we are incapable of managing our own affairs, with some folks calling for a return to colonialism as a remedy for this failure by Nigerians. Rather than tighten our bootstraps, belts and getting to brass task together to fix Nigeria, we have opted to outsource that duty for others to do on our behalf. First was the British whom despite everything they did was accused of continued subjugation. Then we looked to America and after a while accused them of highhandedness. Now, it is the turn of the Chinese, and you can already hear the echo chambers claiming that Chinese firms are flooding the country with fake goods, products and sub-standard construction projects. Meanwhile, this same country (Nigeria) has some of the most qualified individuals, in any and every area of endeavor, including science and technology overachieving in these countries we look to for progress. These same Nigerian citizens are making fabulous discoveries and contributions in areas of science, technology and medicine all over the world. Yet we cannot figure out a way to harness those skills and organize their own country. These same Nigerians cannot set their tribalistic biases aside and develop their nation for the good of all citizens. What an irony.

I think that with the changing guard at the presidential level, we are now aware of all the embezzlement that went on with the last administration. The most dizzying part is the share size of these embezzled monies – totally numbing and mindboggling amounts of Naira being gobbled up and pilfered by our elected officials. This leaves one to wonder how easy is it to access Nigerian money? I often wonder why we Nigerians, with a clear mind and conscience, have made access to our national treasury so accessible that a governor could stockpile so much of our wealth and use it to fight us when caught? They say, when you fight authority, authority always wins…not so in Nigeria, authority always loses. The fact of the matter is that we have arrogated so much power and access to our thieving leaders that they could practically empty our treasury unchecked and unhindered. The saddest part of this sordid phenomenon remains that despite our awareness of these loopholes, we have opted to do nothing. Nothing at all! What will it take for Nigerians to be WOKE? What will it take to get Nigerian citizens to “Enough is Enough.” When will this giant of Africa finally wake up from its slumber and roar like the Giant the rest of the world see? Going by our previous actions, I doubt if my generation will be around to see any of these changes happen.

It is amazing the level of rot that exist in the Nigerian system. We the oppressed only observe, talk and comment on the actions of our political leaders, and how the entire nation is rotten to the core. Corruption and the art of reaping where we did not sow is so pervasive in Nigeria that only a revolution can save us from total collapse. I thinking it is only in Nigeria that every institution and sub-institutions are corrupt. The police is corrupt, the customs corrupt, elected officials corrupt, tax collectors corrupt. Even ticket agents selling tickets to ride the rail line would rather pocket their ticket sales revenues than transfer to the agency. Airport officials are corrupt and will make up rules depending on what they find in your luggage. Even the airlines will artificially set their carryon luggage sizes just to extort money from weary travelers. Check into any hotel and purchase anything, no change! Their hope is that you will forget they owe you money, that way they will pocket the change. It is only in Nigeria that bank employees, who are owners of most Point-of-Sale (POS) outlets will create artificial naira scarcity so that bank clients will have no other option but to visit their POS outlets. In Nigeria, every new law or rule is an opportunity to heap suffering on the people while exploiting the poor masses who have no voice or protection. So, you want to know what I am thinking? I am thinking of who will bell the cat in Nigeria.

I am thinking that common sense has left Nigeria for good. There is no longer any iota of rationale thinking going on at any level in that country. We have devolved so low and have embraced the concept of vilifying anyone that is not from our tribe, political party or family member. A Muslim cleric just postulated that Christians are incapable of handling Nigerian security by virtue of their religion. The question is, how secure is Nigeria since Muslims has been in power in Nigeria? If Christians do not have the opportunity to govern, on what data is his postulate based? For the Nigerian Christians, they have outsourced all thinking to religious zealots who are more than willing think for them while taking all their monies in the name of tithes. Furthermore, Nigerians in diaspora, living their opulent lives and feeling guilty for those privileges, are willing to give their relatives fish everyday instead of teaching them to fish. In essence, diaspora Nigerians have, through our charitable giving, zombified our people by robbing them of their ability to fend for themselves. This is truly a sad testament for people who often brag to be some of the smartest people in the world.

I think that today, Igbos have become the target for the other major tribes in Nigeria. In Lagos, Igbo businessmen and their businesses are suffering under the suffocating hands of Sanwo-Olu led administration. Igbo homeowners are witnessing the demolition of their houses due to purported fake Certificates of Occupancy. Mind you these are certificates issued by previous administrations of the same Lagos State government. In Abuja, a Muslim cleric has declared that Abuja belongs to the North only and therefore should not be governed by someone from the South. A vailed threat to Igbos who dominate businesses in Abuja. Meanwhile, naturalized Igbo living in foreign lands are declaring sit-at-home for the Igbos monthly, and the Igbos, in their gullibility are killing and maiming each other under the guise of enforcing these illegal sit-at-home orders.

I am thinking, when will the average Nigerian react to the totally outrageous behaviors of our elected officials. The latest supplemental budget calls for $38 million for the presidential planes, $6.1 million for a yacht that we do not know will use this yacht, and $150,000 for SUVs for all 460 elected officials. Who pays $150,000 for SUVs? The most outrageous and stupendous part of this supplemental budget was how our elected officials responded to the question of why they need SUVs. In their own words, they claim that because Nigerian roads are not motorable, they need SUVs to enable them to better perform the duties of their jobs. Mind you, these elected officials have direct control over the resources to improve those non-motorable roads. Where is the outrage! Why must we continue to accept the total lack of concern by our elected officials. The truth of the matter is simply that the average Nigerian feels helpless. We have lost our pride and our self-esteem. We have been beaten to submission, a job that was started by our colonial masters is now being perpetuated by our own people. These are the people we elected to help us achieve and attain independence, but instead they are replaying the book of our colonial masters.

But as stated at the beginning of this article that Nigeria is broken beyond repair. The only way out of our current predicament is through a revolution. However, the chance of a revolution is near zero given our tribalistic, religious and sectarian tendencies. We simply can never come together for any common cause. So, lets continue to up our body temperature until this pot in which we are being cooked gets to a boil and kill us all.

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