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Writer's pictureCharles Odimgbe

What Am I Thinking Part II?

What Am I Thinking Part II?

Divisional Police Officer Charge Tailor to Court:

I read with interest that a Divisional Police Officer in charge of Iyangaku police division in Ibadan, detained and charge his tailor to court for messing up his clothes. At issue is the allegation that the tailor gave his materials to an apprentice to sew, and in his eyes, that constitutes breach of agreement. According to the attorney for the tailor, the DPO slapped him, detained him and a court later set bond of about N50,000 for the tailor.

First and foremost, this DPO has no authority whatsoever to slap the tailor for the alleged infraction. That is assault and if Nigeria were reasonable country, the DPO should be facing assault charges. Instead, he used his position to detain the tailor and charge him to court on what I would consider a civil matter. What crime is this DPO claiming that the tailor committed? Since when is not correctly sewing your outfits a crime in Nigeria? Even more disheartening is that the police detained this individual and a court actually in all its legal wisdom set bail for such an infraction. We need intervention.

Second, the fact that no one is talking about the assault on the tailor by the DPO gives you an insight into the minds of average Nigerian leader. Simply stated, the fact that he is a DPO, gives him the authority to abuse anyone that he wishes to abuse. Folks, did we not just go through the #ENDSARS protests regarding police brutality? Were we not just debating the issue of the army flogging a lady for her attire and shaving the hair of a young man in public? Talk about the tone deafness of our leaders – this is saddening. I know that culturally, we are so used to throwing “dirty slaps” around for no good reason, but we must realize that the world is changing and those days of issuing “dirty slaps” are gone. We need intervention.

Third, the cost of the materials in question are approximately N181,000. What is the cost, to the taxpayer, for detaining this individual, charging him to court, paying a judge to set bail and then of course conducting the trial? Can anyone say “penny wise, pound foolish? We need intervention.

Northern Leaders Claim Regarding #ENDSARS And Call to Sanction Social Media.

So, the Northern leaders following their meeting regarding #ENDSARS protests, called it a coup to replace Buhari’s government and asked for the federal government to sanction social media. I am so proud of the AREWA youth for calling out their leadership. Politicians are scared of social media. Rather than learn how to use it to get their own words and efforts out, they are intent on somehow banning it to stifle and gag free speech. The move by these leaders show how ignorant they are and the fact that they are behind times. This is the new millennium, and that the social media “genie” is out of the bottle and is never going back.

This move by the Northern leadership clearly shows how scared these politicians are about the power of social media. Rather than deal with the multiple challenges affecting their constituents, they spend their time looking for ways to stifle free speech and any form of constructive feedback coming from the masses that elected them. I am hopeful that we all remain vigilant and not let our voices be stifled or gagged because our leaders refuse to change with changing times.

Federal Government to Suspend Passports of Persons Not Taking their Covid-19 Test.

The Nigerian federal government is planning to suspend the international passports of individuals who do not follow up with their Covid-19 testing while in Nigeria. The fact that only 1 in 3 travelers into Nigeria follows up with this testing despite having paid for it, speaks volumes. Based on some social media experiences, the process for this follow up testing is too convoluted for the average person to comply. We have accounts that there are not enough locations to conduct the tests and even when you live near a testing center, there are challenges ranging from the centers not having your information, to their requesting additional payment since their payment were not remitted by the federal government. Who wants to deal with these challenges when all you want is to come home and enjoy your family?

Furthermore, why should Nigeria require people traveling back to their home countries to take another test if those countries do not require such test? Is not their compliance of testing prior to coming to Nigeria good enough? I believe the question in a lot of minds is that maybe this is another money maker for our elected officials and their surrogates, who would rather extort their fellow citizens than see them enjoy their trips home.

Think about this. The fact that individual who paid for these tests are willing to forgo their monies and tests, and that only 1 in 3 people actually finish the process and still were able to travel out of the country should tell our government two things.

a. Their surrogates at the exit points are extorting money from people and allowing them to travel despite not complying with the process.

b. The procedure is too convoluted for people to follow.

c. This additional step is unnecessary as part of the travel procedure.

The federal government should review their protocols and make it much easier to travelers, having in mind that the Nigerian travel season is around the corner. Keep your requirements Simple Stupid (KISS)!

If you have any constructive feedback regarding some of my posts, whether you agree or disagree with me, please do not hesitate to make your opinion known by visiting and leave me a comment.

So folks, that’s What Am Thinking!

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